Eye Surgery
Eye Specialists Greensborough
7 Eldale Avenue, Greensborough VIC 3088
(03) 9435 6611
(03) 9432 0227

Macula & Retina - Expert Care in a Convenient Location

Expert Macula Specialists
Our Ophthalmologists at Eye Specialists Greensborough have Subspecialty experience and training in the treatment, prevention and screening of Macular & Retinal conditions, including;
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - wet and dry
Diabetes-related Eye Conditions
Vein and other blood vessel blockages (occlusions)
Inherited Retinal Conditions
Retinal Detachments & Retinal Tears
Posterior Vitreous Detachments & Floaters
Epiretinal Membranes
Macular holes
Other Macular & Retinal Conditions
Treatments performed by our Expert Eye Specialists include:
Injection treatments for AMD, diabetes, vein blockages etc
Laser for retinal and macular conditions where appropriate
Diagnosis and Screening for macular & retinal conditions
Surgery for Macula & Retinal conditions including:
Epiretinal membranes​
Macular holes
Retinal detachments
Diabetes-related eye conditions
Floaters where appropriate
Other Vitreoretinal conditions
Patients requiring intravitreal injections can be treated at the Clinic. If more complex surgery is required, a visit to Theatre may be appropriate, but your post-operative care can usually be at Eye Specialists Greensborough.
Please call our friendly, helpful Staff on (03) 9 435 6611 to make an appointment, or to learn more about obtaining expert Macular & Retinal care at Eye Specialists Greensborough.

Expert Macula Specialists
Our Ophthalmologists at Eye Specialists Greensborough have Subspecialty experience and training in the treatment, prevention and screening of Macula & Retinal conditions, performing treatments such as injections, laser and surgery. Conditions treated include;
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - wet and dry
Diabetes-related Eye Conditions
Vein and other blood vessel blockages (occlusions)
Inherited Retinal Conditions
Retinal Detachments & Retinal Tears
Posterior Vitreous Detachments & Floaters
Epiretinal Membranes
Macular holes
Other Macular & Retinal Conditions
Treatments performed by our Expert Eye Specialists include:
Injection treatments for AMD, diabetes, vein blockages etc
Laser for retinal and macular conditions where appropriate
Diagnosis and Screening for macular & retinal conditions
Surgery for Macula & Retinal conditions including:
Epiretinal membranes​
Macular holes
Retinal detachments
Diabetes-related eye conditions
Floaters where appropriate
Other Vitreoretinal conditions
Intravitreal injection treatments can be performed at the Clinic. Theatre can be arranged if more complex treatment is appropriate.
Please call our friendly, helpful Staff on (03) 9 435 6611 to make an appointment, or to learn more about obtaining expert Macular & Retinal care at Eye Specialists Greensborough.
7 Eldale Ave, Greensborough
(03) 9439 6611